Variables can store data of various types, and different data types serve different purposes.
PHP supports the following data types:
You can determine the data type of any object by using the var_dump()
The var_dump() function provides both the data type and the value.
$x |
NULL is a special data type that can hold only one value: NULL.
A variable of data type NULL is one that has no value assigned to it.
Tip: If a variable is created without an assigned value, it is automatically given a value of NULL.
Variables can also be cleared by setting their value to NULL.
$x $x var_dump($x); |
If you assign an integer value to a variable, its type will automatically be set to integer.
If you then assign a string to the same variable, its type will change to string.
If you want to change the data type of an existing variable without altering its value, you can use casting.
Casting enables you to modify the data type of variables.
$x $x var_dump($x); |
The special resource type is not a true data type; it refers to a reference to functions and resources outside of PHP.
A typical example of the resource data type is a database call.