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Create a procedurally generated 2D Roguelike in Godot 4

Learn how to make game like Nuclear Throne or Enter the gungeon using Godot 4.2
Jean Vermeersch
868 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Learn the fundamentals of Godot 4
Learn how to create a procedural generation algorithm
You will learn the fundamentals mechanics of a 2D Roguelike game
You will build a prototype that you will be able to sale

In this course you will learn how to create a procedurally generated 2D Roguelike similar to games like Nuclear Throne or Enter the gungeon. We will use an algorithm called random walker that we will use to create automatically new levels: everytime we will load our level a new one will be automatically generated, which open the gate for infinite levels. We will learn how to place our player, groups of enemies and exit inside it, as well as instancing ammunitions when our enemy dies. We will also create from scratch a player with typical roguelike movement and shooting mechanic like having the rotation of our player and his gun based on the position of the mouse, we will learn how to configure a mouse icon that is animated, how to create enemies that can patrol randomly and chase you once you’ve been detected, and way much more.

Here is a list of the things we will learn together:

  • Generating procedurally a level that is autotiled with terrains and collisions shape

  • Rotating the gun and the player toward the mouse position

  • Instancing enemies inside the border of our generated level

  • Having our enemy chasing us

  • Being able to collect ammo by looting them inside our level

  • Having a countdown that restart the level when reaching zero

  • Creating shader to damage the player

  • Having screen shake when the bullet explode

  • Having a player life system

  • Having an exit portal that we need to find to continue playing the game

I’ve been enjoying making this new course as I am fascinated by procedural generation, and I hope that this course will be the right entry gate for you if you want to go deeper into that segment of programming that is rarely taught in a way that is complete and accessible for beginner programmer.

The asset will be provided with this course, so you just have to enroll and start coding.

So thank you for reading this and considering buying this course, and I’ll see you in the first lecture!

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.4 out of 5
100 Ratings

Detailed Rating

Stars 5
Stars 4
Stars 3
Stars 2
Stars 1


5 hours on-demand video
Certificate of Completion


Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Create a procedurally generated 2D Roguelike in Godot 4